6 Ways To Be A More Sustainable Pet Owner

By Mike 7 Min Read

Habitat destruction and climate change are a massive threat to both the human race and to the animals we love, too. Although many nations are now making big strides toward becoming less reliant on the planet’s resources, there’s still a very long way to go.

But did you know that you can make some positive changes for the future by becoming a more sustainable pet owner? That might sound like a big ask, but it’s really not!

In this article, we present six easy ways in which you can help to save the planet and the animals you love by becoming a more sustainable pet owner!

1. Make DIY Pet Toys And Dog Crates

A great way to become a more sustainable pet owner is to upcycle and repurpose used household items into pet toys.

For example, a disused cardboard box can make an exciting toy for a kitten or puppy to explore, a toilet roll tube can be stuffed with hay and treats to create a puzzle feeder for a rabbit, and a plastic bottle can easily be converted into a treat dispenser. Using an old T-shirt, you can even make a tug-of-war toy for your dog!

If you’re into DIY, you might also want to try building a dog crate rather than buying one from a pet store. With a little imagination, you can come up with some stylish modern crate ideas that can also double as items of space-saving, functional household furniture.

You can use unwanted wooden pallets, bits of scrap wood, and even old cupboards to create some truly beautiful dog crates. Team your DIY crate with some preloved blankets, fleece, and old bedding, and you have the perfect cozy, eco-friendly den for your dog!

2. Recycle Pet Food Pouches

Most people now recycle items of packaging where they can. However, plastic pet food pouches are one item that still ends up in landfills. When shopping for pet food, try to buy eco-friendly brands that only use recyclable packaging.

Failing that, there are some pet stores that will happily take your used pet food pouches and recycle them for you.

3. Buy “Green” Pet Toys

Unfortunately, many pet toys still contain harmful plastics that can be devasting to the environment.

So, when shopping for new toys for your dog or cat, look out for eco-friendly pet supplies that are made from sustainable or recycled materials. Thrift stores, yard sales, and preloved websites can also be a rich source of used pet toys, bedding, and crates that not only save you some money but can make a useful contribution to saving the planet, too.

When buying used pet supplies, always check that there are no sharp edges, loose parts, or small pieces that could present a hazard to your dog or cat. Take the time to clean the item thoroughly, using an eco-friendly, pet-safe cleaner before use.

4. Use Biodegradable or Compostable Poop Bags and Cat Litter

Far too much waste finishes up in landfills, potentially taking millennia to decompose and presenting a serious environmental hazard as it does so.

When you consider how many tons of plastic poop bags and cat litter finish up at landfill sites every year, even the smallest switch can have a huge impact. If you can reduce waste, that’s another important way that you can become a more sustainable pet owner. With that in mind, did you know that you can buy compostable dog poop bags and biodegradable cat litter?

5. Leave the Car at Home!

Fuel costs are escalating at an alarming rate as the amount of available fossil fuels diminishes, and production costs increase. So, why not save some money, get fit, and reduce your carbon pawprint by walking or cycling instead of taking your car?

If you have a dog, he’ll love the idea of getting more exercise! Taking long walks with your canine companion keeps your pet healthy, happy, and stress-free, but the exercise is great for keeping human health issues, such as weight gain, heart problems, and diabetes at bay.

Of course, if you live some distance away from green space areas where you can exercise your dog, jumping into the car might seem to be the only option. However, you might want to consider using a bicycle and dog trailer combo as a healthier, fun transport option for you and your pet.

6. Reduce Plastic Use!

Unfortunately, non-recyclable plastic is still used extensively in many pet-related products. Upsetting TV reports show the catastrophic effects on wildlife that our love affair with plastic is having, so we know that we must collectively make an effort to reverse that tide.

There are several simple ways in which pet owners can reduce their daily plastic use. For example, instead of using plastic feeding bowls, use metal or ceramic ones instead. In fact, plastic bowls and toys can quickly become scratched and damaged, potentially harboring bacteria and parasites that could harm your pet.

As mentioned above, try making your own pet toys from non-plastic products and buy toys for your pets that don’t contain plastic.

Final Thoughts

As animal lovers, it’s our duty to work harder to help preserve the planet’s resources and protect wildlife for future generations. We can do that by becoming more sustainable pet owners.

As you can see from the tips outlined above, making just a small degree of change and effort can make a very big difference to your carbon pawprint. So, why not start increasing your contribution to protecting and saving the environment today?

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