7 Flying Tips Every Cat Parent Should Know

By Mike 8 Min Read

Leaving your closest furry companion at home when it’s time to visit family across the nation or abroad isn’t an option for many. You may regard your pet as a member of the family. So, you want to bring them almost wherever you travel if you can.

Well, it is possible! Yet, it’s important to plan if you want to take a flight with your beloved kitty.

Most often, you can fly with a cat. But you should make sure you obey airline laws and ensure your feline companion is comfortable and happy during the trip.

Here are seven flying tips every cat parent should know. Learn these tips, and the anxieties levels should diminish when considering flying with your cat.

Get Ready for Security

In an ideal world, you’d never have to remove your cat from its carrier until you arrive at the final destination. However, you won’t be able to do that since security checks need you to remove your pet from their carrier. This is so they can scan it with an X-ray machine.

As a result, you have to take your cat through the standard screening machine with you. A good tip is to put your cat in a collar with a leash to prevent them from escaping.

Think About a Soft-Sided Carrier

During cabin travel, several airlines allow a hard-sided carrier or soft-sided carrier. A soft-sided carrier tends to be more accommodating and gives your cat some room to maneuver and get comfortable.

Of course, it’s your decision which you choose. After all, you know your furry friend better than anyone.

Allow Your Cat to Get Used to the Carrier

A couple of weeks before your trip, it’s worth trying to get your cat used to its carrier. You can try putting little treats in there and a blanket that they like. You could also make some test trips where you walk with them for a while in the carrier or take them in the car.

Then, since your cat will spend almost all of its journey time in its carrier, we recommend making it as comfy as possible. You could include things that make them feel at home, like a favorite blanket or familiar toys. You could also make use of feline sprays that have calming pheromones in them.

Prepare All Your Kitty Essentials

It’s better to have more items than you think in your preparations. This is because there’s always the chance of an accident or emergency scenario.

Carry things like a collapsable bowl, a leash, kitty treats, and wet wipes. If you haven’t yet bought a carrier, look for one with built-in storage for such items.

However, we do advise that you carry water and food away from the carrier. This is so you can avoid any unnecessary spills on your journey in the carrier.

Feeding Your Cat On the Day of Travel

Even if it might appear cruel, it may be preferable to withhold feeding your cat on the morning o travel. Certain cats will feel nausea and may vomit if they have too much food in their tummy. If you know they do not suffer from such symptoms, maybe give them a light dry food breakfast to be on the safe side.

However, keep an eye on their hydration. It’s a good idea to line the carrier to deal with any toilet time or sickness-related mishaps. There are plenty of these types of purpose-made pads available to order online.

Consider Medication

Although most cats don’t require medication, you might want to seek advice if your cat suffers from extreme anxiety.

We recommend you speak with your veterinarian, who can inform you about any prescribed sedatives for your cat’s journey. You want to make sure your kitten is safe before utilizing them because they do entail health hazards.

Respect Other Passengers

As we all know, not everyone is a cat lover. Some people are scared of cats, and others will be allergic. Thus, it’s not a great idea to take your cat out of its carrier during the flight.

The idea is to make your cat’s carrier a safe zone for them. So when your cat experiences unknown feelings and circumstances, they should feel safe in their cozy little space.

A few cats may make some noises with take-offs and landings. This is quite normal, and most settle down in-flight.

Other Tips for Flying With a Cat

When considering flying with a cat, be aware of the airline’s specific requirements to fly with a cat. The rules may be a lot different for flying with a cat internationally, so do your homework.

Overall, the best way to fly with a cat is to be prepared. This way, you won’t be so anxious with the whole process either. The last thing you want is some nasty little surprises coming your way.

Another tip is to book your transport in advance from the airport if family or friends aren’t coming to pick you up. If you choose to go with Uber, or a similar taxi firm, try to let them know that you have a cat with you out of good etiquette.

When you can finally take your cat out, the first thing you should consider is if they are hydrated. Offer them water right away, and if you have any cat snacks, see if they are hungry too.

Last of all, if you aren’t confident with the whole process, you can always consider a professional service such as Sky Kennel.

Flying With a Cat Made Easy

It all sounds daunting at first flying with a cat. But, it can be an enjoyable experience if you plan everything well ahead. Over time, your cat may be comfortable with the whole experience, meaning you can travel more often with your furry friend.

So we wish you and your companion good luck on your journeys! Please consider checking out our blog for more handy tips on various subjects if you found this article helpful.

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