Fish Tank Sizes: Which Size Is Best for Your Aquatic Friend?

Too many people end up putting their fish in tanks or bowls that are too small for them. Goldfish won from county fairs end up in glass bowls no larger than helmets and beautiful bettas are put in flower vases.

Does this sound familiar?

If you’ve done one of these things, or if you’re preparing to bring a new fish to your home and you want to do it right, we want to help you figure out the best fish tank sizes for all of your new fishy friends.

Keep reading to learn how to figure out the best fish tank for your fish.

For Large Single Fish

A single fish, even a small one, can require a lot of space. All fish have different needs so it’s impossible to say what your specific fish needs without knowing what kind of fish that you have.

As a general rule, aim for 125 gallons for most small single fish, though some go up to 150 gallons.

Because this is for a single fish, you’re going to need more water if you have them in a group (this is true for all sizes). This is easy to calculate. If you have a group of all of the same fish, most of the time you need to double the amount of water (and size of the tank).

This may seem excessive, but your fish need space and adequate room to hide and socialize when they choose to. While fish often stick together, they also need alone time and enrichment.

For Small Fish

Small fish are great for beginners and people on a budget. The best fish tanks for them, while large, are often in the 10-gallon area making them far more accessible.

Goldfish and beta fish, two of the most popular breeds, don’t need that much space. They just need more than the average person gives them.

Goldfish can survive with only 3 gallons. That said, giving the fish more space will allow it to grow. Many people don’t know that goldfish can get large. While confinement alone isn’t necessarily enough to stunt the fish, it will add an extra stressor that inhibits its growth.

Betta fish do better in 6-gallon tanks. This is far larger than the average tiny tank that comes with the fish. Because betta fish are aggressive, they’re best left alone or with other beta fish. If you choose to combine them with other species of fish, give them far more room.

For all kinds of fish, it’s better to go larger than smaller. Your fish won’t suffer from having too much room as long as you maintain the tank.

Fish Tank Sizes Matter

Having the appropriate fish tank sizes for your aquatic pets is crucial if you want them to be happy and healthy. Don’t fall into the trap of getting tiny containers from pet stores. That’s not enough!

Give your fishy friend a long and healthy life with the right fish tank.

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