How to Make Horse Jumps for Kids

By Mike 5 Min Read

Whether you’re building jumps for kids or constructing a jumping course for your home, you’ll want to ensure that the equipment you use is safe for kids. A wooden plank is a great choice for this purpose, and you can even paint it white. You’ll also want to place a trot-in rail eight to ten feet away from the landing rail.

Ground poles

Ground poles are a great tool to use when you’re working with your kids horse jumps. You can adjust the distance between the poles so that your kids can ask their horses to take shorter or longer strides. This helps them become more confident in their abilities and helps them learn how to move on rough terrain.

When a child first begins learning to jump, they may be hesitant to use ground poles. But these tools can help teach them how to use their hindquarters and neck to stay balanced. This skill can be transferred to any discipline, including jumping.


A kid’s horse jump is a fun way for your child to get exercise and practice jumping on a horse. It’s also great for kids to train for horse shows and challenge friends to jump-off contests. You can personalize your kid’s horse jump with a picture or logo.

First, get out the building materials to make a kids’ equestrian jumping course. You can also buy horse jump packages. This will include a variety of jumps, including oxers, simple verticals, post and rail jumps, and water jumps. Some packages even come with fences and brush boxes. Jump cups and gates are also included.

Jump cups

Horse jump cups are wooden and function like real, life-size jumps. You can make the cups as simple or as elaborate as you want. To add to their appeal, you can add greenery and flowers to make them look more real. The finished product is only six inches high.

Firstly, you’ll need to decide on the height of the cups. Shallow cups are best for younger children and green horses, while deep cups are best for more experienced riders. Deep jump cups require more force to dislodge the pole, making them more suitable for experienced riders. Ensure the cups are level because uneven heights may lead to injuries.

Changing from a half seat to a full seat

One of the most important aspects of riding horses over jumps is achieving proper balance. The proper seat is crucial for this. If you are sitting too far forward, you’ll be riding on your tailbone, and your forward movement will be large. This will disrupt your balance and make it more difficult for you to get back into the seat.

The two-point seat allows you to shift your center of gravity forward with your horse, which will match the forward balance of your horse. As you move your weight forward, the horse’s forward balance will shift your weight onto its forehand, allowing you to follow the horse’s motion in the air.

Developing a secure seat for a horse

One of the key elements of riding well is developing a secure seat. Your body needs to feel secure while riding for the horse to feel relaxed. You can do this by focusing on the weight and movements of your seat and using your body to communicate with your horse.

Developing a secure seat is the first step to learning how to ride properly. It’s important to start slowly. Try a posting trot with one beat and a sitting post trot. These movements are the most effective for kids because they allow them to stay balanced. If a child is unbalanced when they first start riding, they may have trouble staying in the saddle and sending the correct rein signals.

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