Can bearded dragons eat caterpillars?

By Mike 14 Min Read

Can bearded dragons eat caterpillars: Sadly, caterpillars seem like an eye-catching treat to many lizards, specifically more youthful ones. Who is more likely to nibble at points that may be dangerous, even if they know far better? The problem with caterpillars is that several types have poisons which can hurt your reptile’s system.

They also don’t give enough nutritional worth to make up for what’s possibly hazardous. It’s OK if the bugs you feed your lizard periodically include 1 or 2 plant-eating bugs within their typical diet of tiny crickets and other bugs. There are plenty of live insects offered in our real-time family pet bug classification, so you can constantly stop by there before making a journey to your local pet store. Nevertheless, under most circumstances, it’s advised that you prevent supplying any caterpillar for your lizard to eat.

Can bearded dragons eat caterpillars?

A captive Bearded Dragon must not eat eco-friendly caterpillars. A green caterpillar is a butterfly or moth’s larva and can range from a little blurry to mainly smooth. It’s straightforward to see why many kinds of pets discover them as an appealing dish. Several bugs, including grasshoppers, crickets or mice, will undoubtedly eat a wide variety of insect larvae.

Nonetheless, for Bearded Dragons, an insectivorous diet must be based upon primarily small-sized prey products such as crickets and mealworms because more giant worms and bigger targets may cause issues in the tummies of bearded dragons. If your bearded dragon has eaten an environment-friendly caterpillar, monitor them for a couple of days to ensure they are OK. The beardie will usually be OK, but sometimes he could get sick. If he stops eating or pooping, connect him to an exotic veterinarian.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Monarch Caterpillars

Never. Bearded dragons can not eat Monarch caterpillars as a result of their toxicity. Your bearded dragon may die when eating them or get ill when trying to digest them because of its lack of enzymes that assist in breaking down these poisonous compounds.

The Monarch butterfly/moth (Danaus plexippus) is a distinctly North American pest, and also it supplies the only dangerous butterflies worldwide. Caterpillars eat milkweed plants and pass poisons to their body and the toxic substances they obtain from their food source. These poisonings can lead to serious reptile health problems and must be prevented at all prices.

Bearded Dragons need Calcium to Phosphorus in two and one proportions in their diet to remain healthy. Their calcium consumption must be higher than their phosphorus consumption.

Foods rich in oxalates are likewise hazardous because oxalates interfere with the dragon’s capacity to soak up calcium, shaking off that critical ratio. Various other food items are dangerous because they contain poisonous compounds that might include harmful microorganisms or harm the absorption of other minerals and vitamins.

Let’s study which foods are only suitable for your Bearded Dragon and which are alright but can only be fed as an uncommon treat.

Can bearded dragons eat caterpillars?

What not to feed bearded dragons?– foods that can be toxic


Leeks belong to the onion family, like chives, and they ought not to ingest them. It is believed that many leeks can trigger organ failure, although the precise quantity that causes this is unknown. So in the meantime, leeks get on the can not eat listing.


Mushrooms include high phosphorus and acidic material and can be hazardous to bearded dragons upon ingestion. Some mushrooms may be much less troublesome than others, yet unless you are a fungi expert, it’s ideal for preventing all mushrooms.

Onions, as well as chives

Onions, raw or cooked, must not be fed to bearded dragons. They are not only also acidic for your dragon’s delicate digestion system, but they additionally have various other substances that are not healthy and balanced. There is not much research on the matter when it concerns reptiles, yet onions have been shown time after time to be harmful to other pet dogs. So constantly maintain onions away.


Garlic is in the same category as onions, chives, & leeks; as a result, it is much better to play it safe.


Raw or prepared eggplants are also acidic for a bearded dragon. So it’s far better to be safe than sorry with this fruit. Way too much could show unsafe.


Avocados are harmful and also can even be lethal to bearded dragons. They additionally have oxalic acid. Oxalic acid binds to minerals like calcium as well as prevents your bearded dragon from being able to absorb them.


Buttercups are considered hazardous to Bearded dragons and should not be consumed. If you seek new food to try with your bearded dragon, they can consume dandelions.

Iceberg lettuce

Iceberg lettuce made it on the checklist due to its lack of nutritional worth. Your beardie could have it and feel complete yet be obtaining practically no nutrients from it. More of this can result in various vitamin shortages. It is likewise high in water, and consuming way too much can bring about diarrhoea. This is alright to feed sometimes; however, your pet dog isn’t getting anything out of it, so you might as well prevent it.


Fireflies contain toxic substances that are fatal to bearded dragons, and it doesn’t take much. They must never be permitted to eat fireflies. Sadly, there have been several reports of reptiles passing away from ingesting fireflies and other radiant insects. The toxic component of these insects is the chemicals that allow them to glow.

Wild-caught insects

Do not offer you bearded dragon wild insects. It’s an excellent suggestion to capture your pests to save cash and free your yard of bugs, yet they might be harmful. Numerous wild insects are bloodsuckers that can be transferred to your bearded dragon if they eat them. If you intend to feed live insects, constantly acquire them from a reliable pet dog store, where they are screened for dangerous parasites.


Ladybugs like fireflies and box older insects are toxic to bearded dragons. Please ensure there are no places in your bearded dragon’s enclosure they or any wild bug can make it through.

Box elder insects

Box senior pests are very harmful and can be fatal to bearded dragons.

Venomous insects

Insects such as wasps, scorpions, hornets, bees, vermins, and specific spiders are a no-go since they are venomous. Putting these online insects in your bearded dragon’s tank can trigger injury via attacking or stinging. If the dragon consumes these insects, it also consumes their toxic venom, which could create sickness and death.

Caterpillars, as well as butterflies

Caterpillars and butterflies might seem safe, but many can be lethal to bearded dragons. The issue is they invest all their time in eating various plants. Many of these plants have toxic substances that can be hazardous for a bearded dragon. So while the dragon is not directly consuming those poisonous plants, it is still consuming the same harmful substances by eating the caterpillar or butterfly that did.

Acidic fruits

Fruits like tomatoes, oranges, lemons, limes, pineapple, grapefruit and tangerines should only be fed or provided occasionally. The level of acidity in these fruits can be very high. Also, they can disturb the balance of the digestive system tract. This can cause gastrointestinal problems such as runny stools for your bearded dragon.

Dangerous plants

It is typical to wish to include plants in your Bearded Dragon unit. Plants create an extremely naturalistic environment. There are numerous plants, though, which are risk-free and harmful. We located a good listing from Sawnee’s pet facility.

Dairy products

Milk products such as milk, cheese, and yoghurt are unsafe for Bearded Dragons since they do not create the enzymes needed to digest milk.

Foods to feed sparingly to bearded dragons

High goitrogen foods

Goitrogens make it hard for your bearded dragon to absorb iodine. Iodine law is fundamental to maintaining thyroid gland function regularly and also healthily. Foods with goitrogens are generally relatively healthy, so you don’t always need to prevent them entirely. Just track how much you feed and keep it down to little, less constant parts. Cauliflower, Broccoli, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, bok choy, rutabaga, turnips, peaches, pears, plums, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, as well as apricots.

High phosphorus foods

As discussed above, it is essential to ensure that bearded dragons do not have too much phosphorus in their diet regimen. Potatoes, corn, and bananas are high in phosphorus. These products are OK to feed your bearded dragon, yet only in tiny quantities.

High oxalate foods

Oxalates reduce the bearded dragon’s capacity to soak up its necessary calcium. These foods aren’t otherwise harmful and can also be fed to your bearded dragon, yet because they are more significant in oxalates, you should provide them sparingly. Carrots, spinach, beets, beetroot eco-friendlies, celery, kiwi, okra, parsley, radicchio, raspberries, yucca, chard, and celebrity fruit.

Caterpillars that would trigger beardies harm include puss caterpillars. Puss caterpillars are considered one of the most harmful varieties in The United States and Canada. If a bearded dragon eats one, it will undoubtedly experience weak points, vomiting, and shortness of breath before death.

Other caterpillars that can harm bearded dragons include hag moths and flannel moth larvae.

Furthermore, many caterpillar species are not especially understood to hurt bearded dragons; however, they contain toxic substances that will still cause injury and even eliminate a beardie if consumed.

Caterpillars are not harmful to bearded dragons to eat, consisting of gipsy moth larvae, woolly bear larvae, tomato hornworm larvae, and cabbage looper.

You can feed most caterpillars in small amounts; however, it is best to look into the details of species before providing them to your beardie.

Monarch Caterpillars

These caterpillars can be eaten by bearded dragons as long as they do not possess any milkweed. Milkweed is harmful to bearded dragons to eat because it includes cardiac glycosides that can damage their livers and kidneys.

Tent Caterpillars

No, bearded dragons can not eat tent caterpillars, either. Tent caterpillars can be harmful to bearded dragons and must never be eaten.

Read Also:Can bearded dragons eat stink bugs?

If a beardie eats such a caterpillar, they may experience intense tummy pain that can lead to death. The details of factors tent caterpillars threaten beardies are unknown, but you should avoid them at all prices.

Best foods for your bearded dragon

We’ll cover every little thing you should be feeding your Bearded Dragon in another post, but we wish to mention some genuinely healthy options.

Some foods that are so helpful for your beardie to eat every day are:






collard greens

mustard leaves

Other foods such as bell peppers, artichoke hearts, asparagus, apples, kale, mango, melon, watercress and pumpkin are additionally excellent and can be used a few times per week.


Bearded dragons can make terrific family pets, yet understanding what to feed can be frustrating. There is so much bearded dragons can eat that we could not note everything right here. So if you are fretted about range, don’t be! Between vegetables, greens, fruits, bugs, flowers and supplements, there is a great deal to select from. Just ensure you do your research before introducing any brand-new foods, and also ensure your dragon isn’t entering contact with wild bugs that it might attempt and consume.

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