Why Do Cats Sleep So Much? Know The Reasons

You may have found and have been observing that your cat in Kitty Dreamland for a long time. Cats Sleep takes a huge amount of a feline’s everyday routine from early kitten hood to the older years of a cat’s life. After all, a good snooze is known for most cats.

Although everyone can sleep, some cats and kittens can prefer to rest longer than others.

If you’re a new cat owner, then you might be wondering “Why is a cat sleeping so much?” The response lies in feline biology when you consider why cats are so sleeping.

How Many Hours Do Cats Sleep?

Cats sleep 13 to 16 hours a day on average. Some sleepy felines fit into their everyday routine for up to 20 hours.

Your cat’s age will affect how sleepy she is. The kittens are more likely to sleep than older cats, and they often sleep. You can feel her becoming busier and sleeping less time during the day as your kitten develops into a young cat.

An aging cat will begin to slow and sleep longer. Senior cats also sleep more often and sleep for longer periods when they stop to rest.

How Much Do Cats Sleep Under Different Circumstances?

If it gets cold or rainy outside, you can find your cat sleeping more. Cats do this in the case of outdoor exploration becoming impossible, to save their energy, so that they are prepared to leave when the weather allows them to roam and hunt again.

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

Most of the day cats sleep because their bodies are designed for hunting. It requires a lot of energy and power to be a predator. Activities like climbing, blowing, and searching for animals take a lot of effort, and cats have to remain fully alert while hunting. Cats in the house also have these energy-rich habits with long sleep.

Long naps will allow your domestic cat to punch on cat toys or look at the birds through the window, much as its wild forefathers had been resting before they went back to the stalk to chase prey.

Although your cat is not dependent on incoherent hunted meals and used to eat a bag or can, her genetic instincts lead her to have enough to rest if she has to chase her next meal down.

Do Cats Sleep At Night?

Cats are not completely nocturnal, unlike common belief. Instead, in dawn and dusk, these predators are most active if birds or mice are also interested in their prey.

You may have seen your cat ride up and down the hall or jump to bed early in the morning or late in the night when you get ready to go to bed. While this is not the best time for most people, cats obey their natural instincts only when their wild ancestors were awake.


While many domesticated cats do their day and night activities, they do adapt to their sleep routines. The provision of meals for your pet, accessible fresh water and plenty of playtime allow her to sleep more in the afternoon and stay alert once you are ready to interact.

What Is a Catnap?

During day and night, cats doze in short bursts. These brief periods of sleep are also called catnaps, and humans may often take part in these short, cool naps. Next time you have a brief break from daily activities, you can take inspiration from your favorite feline and enjoy a rapid catnap that will let you take action once again.

Do Cats Have Different Types of Sleep?

Two different types of sleep, a light dose, and a deep sleep are part of cat sleep patterns. Your cat remains conscious of her environment during light sleep. Her ears stay upright, and in the atmosphere, they may also turn or angle to sounds. A light-dorming cat may watch for something suspicious with one eye half-open and you can find your cat swinging smoothly from side to side. In any situation, cats that sleep lightly are willing to wake up. A cat typically stays 15-30 minutes a day in light sleep.

A lot shorter bursts of deep sleep for cats take place around 5 minutes per session. Your cat is comfortable and harder to wake up in this sort of sleep. You can see the paw twitching or you might see a cat paddling deep sleep unconsciously with its paws.

Is Your Cat Sleeping Too Much?

It is possible, even though your cat seems to spend most of the day sleeping in a safe and cozy place, your cat would not sleep too much. The natural sleep patterns of a cat require much more sleep than the human average.

When you notice a major change in the sleeping habits of your cat, then you should worry about it. If your cat sleeps in odd ways, such as cuddling in the litter box, suddenly much longer or less than usual, make sure that it’s safe. She needs a medical examination.

In cats, prolonged sleepiness can be caused by anemia, gastrointestinal issues, depression, and pain.

Do Cats Snore?

Cats and kittens often make sounds, even during sleep. Although every cat is different, will they snore?

Cats can snore and even in brachycephalic breeds this can be considered “natural.” In obese cats, snoring is more frequent.”

In reality, the breed of your cat will play a role in any noises. The cats and snoring topic is the subject of Nold.


As the cats get older, deeper and longer periods of sleep are easier for them to fall.

Kittens and older cats typically take the longest nap, while the average age of the cat will survive for around 15 hours.

As others behave, it is vital to know what is usual for your cat. Changes in sleep patterns can be linked to several causes, but as part of the annual physical assessment of your pet, your veterinarian needs to monitor and evaluate these.

Does your cat sleep too much? In the comments below, please tell us.